As we've learnt, COVID-19 can cause disruptions, uncertainty and sudden changes, which can leave many young people feeling overwhelmed at school. This lesson will examine the study stress students experience during situations like these, and investigate ways to manage their stress effectively.

Year level



60 minutes


In class activity

Online learning

SEL Competencies



Responsible decision-making

Learning intention

Students develop an understanding of the impact study stress can have on their health, and learn practical strategies for managing study stress effectively.

Key outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • describe how study stress is impacting on their physical and emotional self

  • identify the level of study stress they are currently experiencing

  • discuss the factors that are contributing to study stress

  • apply strategies to manage their study time effectively.

Mapped to

Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

  • Plan, rehearse and evaluate strategies for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety or wellbeing may be at risk (AC9HP10P08)

  • Evaluate emotional responses in different situations to refine strategies for managing emotions (AC9HP10P06)

Australian Curriculum: General Capabilities

  • Personal and Social Capability:

    • Self-awareness

    • Self-management

  • Critical and Creative Thinking:

  • Reflecting

  • Inquiring

  • Digital Literacy:

  • Investigating

Victorian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

  • Evaluate situations and propose appropriate emotional responses and then reflect on possible outcomes of different responses to health and wellbeing (VCHPEP147)

  • Plan, rehearse and evaluate options (including CPR and first aid) for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety and wellbeing may be at risk (VCHPEP144)

  • Evaluate health information from a range of sources and apply to health decisions and situations (VCHPEP148)

NSW PDHPE Syllabus

  • Assesses their own and others’ capacity to reflect on and respond positively to challenges (PD5-1)

  • Assesses and applies self-management skills to effectively manage complex situations (PD5-9)

Show details

Activity 1


20 minutes

  1. Ask students to draw an outline of the human body on a piece of paper:

    • Inside the outline of the head, write down all the emotions they are feeling when they think about school and study. These can be positive or negative – e.g. fearful, overwhelmed, relaxed.

    • Inside the outline of the body, write down how their body is feeling and reacting to study stress – e.g. poor sleep, rapid heart rate, tired, problems with digestion.

  2. Ask students to read the article ‘Effects of stress on the body' and add any relevant ideas to their human body outline.

Activity 2

Class discussion

15 minutes

  1. As a class, brainstorm the factors that could be causing or contributing to study stress at this time – e.g. online learning, no face-to-face teacher support, fear of getting sick, not knowing how assessments will work.

  2. Discuss and label the factors that are under their control and those factors that are not. For example:

    • Under their control: study technique, time management.

    • Not under their control: online learning, coronavirus, social distancing restrictions.

Activity 3

Managing your time

25 minutes

Explain to students that managing their time is one thing they can control.

  1. Ask students to read the articles ‘How to manage your time’ and ‘5 apps to help you study at home’.

  2. Ask students to identify three individual strengths and three weaknesses in managing their study time.

  3. Ask students to identify three ways in which they will attempt to manage their study time more effectively over the next month.

  4. Ask students to write down what they are going to do, timeframes, and the resources they will use to support this process. Remind students to check out for ideas. For example:

    • Write down appointments, notes and ideas in a diary, notebook or calendar app.

    • Manage screen time using an app such as Flora.

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