Approaching learning in terms of ‘mastery’ and ‘not yet’ improves students resilience in the face of failure. This lesson explores the importance of developing growth mindsets by setting achievable goals. This is important for students mastering skills and improving overall learning and resilience throughout life.

Year level



60 minutes


In class activity

SEL Competencies



Social awareness

Learning intention

To reflect on the importance of seeking assistance, learning from failure and developing a positive mindset.

Key outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will understand that:

  • reflection on mistakes and successes is a key tool when progressing towards mastery of a skill

  • seeking support and/or assistance will help with progression towards mastery of a skill/task.

Materials needed

  • Whiteboard

Mapped to

Australian Curriculum: General Capabilities

  • Personal and Social Capability:

    • Social awareness

    • Social management

    • Self-awareness

    • Self-management

Show details

Activity 1

Opposite hands

10 minutes

Students work in pairs and use their non-dominant hand to write the words to do with mindsets backwards for the other person to guess. Word examples could include: Mindset, Growth, Fixed, Yet, Feedback, Failing, Learning.

Activity 2

Individual activity: Tracking mastery

20 minutes

  1. Draw the tracking mastery Y chart on the board.

  2. Students are to copy and complete the chart. For example:

    • SKILL: Shooting a three-pointer.

    • Looks like: Ball leaves the hands cleanly, travels in an arc towards the ring, goes through the middle of the ring.

    • Sounds like: Swoosh.

    • Feels like: Tingling in hands as the ball leaves the fingertips, butterflies in stomach as the ball goes in.

  3. Whole class discussion: Students volunteer to share the skill/task they have mastered.

Y Diagram

Activity 3

Individual activity: Backward mapping

20 minutes

  1. Students copy the table below and write the skills they feel they have mastered.

  2. What were the steps involved in becoming a ‘master’ at this skill? Outline them in the table, including a timeline and information on who assisted you to become a ‘master’.

Skill mastery table

Activity 4

Reflection: Learning pyramid

10 minutes

  1. Draw a learning pyramid on the board.

  2. Students copy and complete the learning pyramid regarding their participation in the lesson by answering the following questions:

    • What questions do you have about the lesson?

    • What things have you been reminded of today?

    • What things have you learnt today?

Learning pyramid

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