Social media platforms have terms of service, which are the legal agreement between the platform and the user. In a rush to sign up, students may not read the agreements. Teaching students about the terms of service of platforms helps them to make informed online choices.

Year level



60 minutes


In class activity

Online learning

SEL Competencies


Learning intention

Students will be able to explain the terms of service that govern social platforms.

Key outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • critically think about different social media platforms

  • understand the terms of service of the social media platforms they use.

Materials needed

  • Whiteboard (or equivalent)

  • Access to (or previously downloaded) social media platforms’ terms of service

  • Electronic device

Mapped to

Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

  • Analyse and reflect on the influence of values and beliefs on the development of identities (AC9HP8P01)

  • Analyse the impact of changes and transitions, and devise strategies to support themselves and others through these changes (AC9HP8P02)

  • Plan, rehearse and evaluate strategies for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety or wellbeing may be at risk (AC9HP10P08)

  • Evaluate emotional responses in different situations to refine strategies for managing emotions (AC9HP10P06)

Australian Curriculum: General Capabilities

  • Personal and Social Capability:

    • Self-management

    • Social management

  • Ethical Understanding:

  • Understanding ethical concepts and perspectives

  • Digital Literacy:

  • Practising digital safety and wellbeing

  • Critical and Creative Thinking:

  • Inquiring

  • Analysing

NSW PDHPE Syllabus

  • Demonstrates self-management skills to effectively manage complex situations (PD4-9)

  • Assesses and applies self-management skills to effectively manage complex situations (PD5-9)

Victorian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

  • Investigate the impact of transition and change on identities (VCHPEP123)

  • Investigate the benefits of relationships and examine their impact on their own and others’ health and wellbeing (VCHPEP127)

  • Identify and critique the accessibility and effectiveness of support services based in the community that impact on the ability to make healthy and safe choices (VCHPEP145)

Show details

Activity 1

Class discussion: What is social media?

20 minutes

Ask students:

  1. What does ‘social media’ mean?

  2. What makes a digital platform social media?

  3. How many social media platforms can you think of? Make a list.

  4. Which social media platforms do you use or are you likely to use?

Tip: if students are struggling to understand the concept of social media, explain that at its core, social media involves two way engagement. Examples of engagement can include commenting, talking, posting, sharing and ‘liking’.

Activity 2

Individual activity: Terms of service

40 minutes

  1. Ask students to each research the terms of service of a social media platform of their choice.

  2. Ask students to draw a PMI (Positive, Minus and Interesting) chart.

  3. Students should make notes on anything they find positive, negative or interesting in the relevant columns.

  4. Individually, students use their PMI chart to answer the following questions:

    • Who can use the platform?

    • What permissions am I giving to the platform when I create an account?

    • How do I inform the platform of inappropriate content?

    • What are three basic safety settings I can implement?

  5. As a class, debrief on their findings from the research. Discuss: Why is it important that we pay attention to the terms of service?

Additional resources

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The eSafety Guide has information about the latest games, apps and social media, including how to protect your information and report inappropriate content.

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