Students build their listening and response skills while exploring social issues around equity, access and wellbeing. By developing their critical thinking and communication abilities, they will gain a deeper understanding of complex topics. This lesson encourages active learning, empathy and the forming of well-rounded opinions.

Year level



30 minutes


In class activity

SEL Competencies


Relationship skills

Responsible decision-making

Learning intention

Students will explore and share different perspectives on social issues through structured debate, helping them to build their critical thinking, public speaking and respectful communication skills.

Key outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • express arguments clearly and concisely on given social topics

  • apply active listening skills to understand and evaluate different perspectives

  • relate debate topics to broader concepts of equity, access and wellbeing.

Materials needed

  • No materials needed

Mapped to

Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

  • Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety, wellbeing, and participation in physical activity (AC9HP8P01)

  • Apply and evaluate interpersonal and communication skills to enhance relationships and support health and wellbeing (AC9HP8P07)

Australian Curriculum: General Capabilities

  • Critical and Creative Thinking:

    • Generating ideas, possibilities, and actions

    • Reflecting on thinking and processes

  • Personal and Social Capability:

    • Social awareness

    • Social management

  • Ethical Understanding:

    • Reasoning in decision making and actions

    • Exploring values, rights and responsibilities

NSW PDHPE Syllabus

  • Investigates effective strategies to promote inclusivity, equality and respectful relationships (PD4-3)

  • Demonstrates self-management skills to effectively manage complex situations (PD4-9)

  • Applies and refines interpersonal skills to assist themselves and others to interact respectfully and promote inclusion in a variety of groups or contexts (PD4-10)

Victorian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

  • Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP128)

  • Practise and apply personal and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in physical activities (VCHPEP130)

Show details

Activity 1

Class debate

20 minutes

  1. Divide the class into two groups. Allocate each side as either affirmative or negative. (This can change for each topic.) 

  2. Propose debate topics to the class and give students five minutes to prepare.

  3. Each side will have three speakers state their case, alternating sides. Each speaker has one minute and can rebut.

  4. Create some class rules for the debate. For example:

    • Be respectful to others when talking. 

    • Take turns.  

    • Let each person have their say.

Here are some examples of debate topics:

  • Should fast fashion be regulated to reduce its environmental impact?

  • Should single-use plastics be banned?

  • Internet access should be considered a basic human right, and governments should provide free public wifi.

  • Should people be fined for not recycling properly?

  • All students should have access to free lunch at school.

  • Are electric cars the best solution for reducing transportation emissions?

  • Is social media helping or harming young people's mental health?

  • Should schools have 'mental health days', where students can take a day off for their wellbeing?

Activity 2

Process reflection

10 minutes

Facilitate a class discussion, asking questions such as: 

  • What was the strongest argument you heard during the debate? Why did it stand out for you?

  • Why are different perspectives important? 

  • What was the most challenging part of the debate for you?

  • How can we create safe spaces for people to share their views?